The way to make day to night conversion.




Feel free to pass in your comments by the mean time catch me in facebook at


see you soon for the next tutorial 🙂


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Posted by on July 10, 2011 in Uncategorized


The golden temple- manipulated Photoshop effect

This is one of my contest entries in and im sharing it here

Original image

Final result

Creation of Golden place: Final Result

step 1 of 18

separate the background cloud from the picture
Creation of Golden place: Step 1

step 2 of 18

separate the temple
Creation of Golden place: Step 2

step 3 of 18

and also separate the pillars too
Creation of Golden place: Step 3

step 4 of 18

Now at the pillars first desaturate it a little and then use the color balance dialog to bring it to match this color, use the dodge and burn tool to highlight few of the areas
Creation of Golden place: Step 4

step 5 of 18

Now take a tree picture and remove its background and add it behind the pillar layer
Creation of Golden place: Step 5

step 6 of 18

Next take some pictures of flying birds and make them fly up above the temple building, make enough copies that satisfies you and distinguish them with angle and positions to each other
Creation of Golden place: Step 6

step 7 of 18

With the temple separated previously, desaturate it and colorize it with the “COLORIZE OPTION” in the HUE?SATURATION dialog
Creation of Golden place: Step 7

step 8 of 18

Use the color balance dialog to give it a golden look with little mixture of red and yellow in the “HIGHLIGHTS ” options
Creation of Golden place: Step 8

step 9 of 18

After you have done with the above this will be the result picture
Creation of Golden place: Step 9

step 10 of 18

Now add a cloud to the back of all these layers and change the color tone to match it with the foreground with an orange or yellow sky
Creation of Golden place: Step 10

step 11 of 18

Add a small planet picture at the top, to bring a visualization of far distance planet near to this world
Creation of Golden place: Step 11

step 12 of 18

Now add a mountain picture to the layer above the clouds, and change its color tone using the color balance and the hue/saturation dialog box
Creation of Golden place: Step 12

step 13 of 18

Make a copy of that mountain and flip it horizontally to make it look like series of mountains
Creation of Golden place: Step 13

step 14 of 18

Take the polygonal lasso tool and draw the shape like the mountain and change its color to black, now add a mountain texture and change its mode to color dodge
Creation of Golden place: Step 14

step 15 of 18

Now take a pyramid picture and remove its background and change its color to yellowish red and place it at the top so it looks like its on top of the mountanis
Creation of Golden place: Step 15

step 16 of 18

Take the brush tool and reduce its hardness to 0% and draw a straight line from left top to the middle of the picture.
Draw this behind the pillar layers. Now go to filter-> blur-> Gaussian blur and blur it to make it look like a sun beam effect
Creation of Golden place: Step 16

step 17 of 18

Make another copy of that sun beam and put it above the pillar layer and change its angle position
Creation of Golden place: Step 17

step 18 of 18

And this is the final image that you ll get
Creation of Golden place: Step 18

Hope you liked it. still more to come. stay tuned 🙂

Find me on facebook  @


Posted by on June 2, 2011 in Uncategorized


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PART-1 of Create a Typography wallpaper with custom text

This is a tutorial of type TYPOGRAPHY that i made it in my friends website and im willing to share it here

Hello there, this time we are going to show you some different type of creating a wallpaper using typographies and custom texts. Here we take the word “NATARAJAR” and create this picture below..


you can download this picture at its high resolution from HERE

This without the color would look like this

So you ready to make one like this.? well Take your “WORD” and lets start. This is the reference picture that we are gonna take

Since this is a big resolution image to work with we tweek the settings to HD in order to get a good flow for the typography design.

Create a new TEXT layer and make its size as 200 pt[since we are going to shrink, we have to make a bigger text]

Since text is a vector form we cannot directly use it to modify to our wish, so create a new layer from LAYER-> new layer.

Now you will have a new layer in the layer window.

Then hold the CTRL key and click on the thumbnail of the text layer like this.

The text layer will get highlighted by small dots going around it, and press the EYE symbol in the text layer to hide it

Go to the tool box and select the brush tool.

Now select the newly created layer, change the foreground color to white and brush it.

Now go to the SELECT menu and choose DESELECT

Then we have to resize it to fit to the design present in the reference image that we took.

WHILE HOLDING ON THE CTRL button PRESS the “T” in keyboard, IT will show up a bounding box with 8 small controls. This is the resize box.

Shrink the layer by pressing the corners of the box and move the mouse inwards.

Now rotate the layer by clicking and dragging outside the bounding box and flip it to vertical position

and now shrink it still more to reduce and to fit to the throne like this

Next is modify the text by pressing  CTRL+t and rightclick inside to select WARP

Modify by dragging the grid and match to the reference image.

Select the layer in the layer window and duplicate it by rightclick-> duplicate.

again press CTRL+T and rightclick -> flip horizontal.

The result will be this

Like wise duplicate this layer again and move it to the center.

Then keep on duplicating that last layer and move it to the other petals.

This above is the resulting image . Once you have done with one leaf we can make it a group and copy it to all. Go to VIEW menu and select RULERS.

Drag lines from the ruler and make it to the center of the circle that is surrounding the throne, Like this.

Now select all the layers from layer 2 till the last layer that was created in the layer window.

Now we have to merge these layers to make it as a group. So go to LAYERS-> MERGE Layers

Now it all has been merged, so to make another copy you know what to do. DUPLICATE IT and you will get a new copy. 

Press CTRL+T and you can see a small dot inside the bounding box. THIS is the PIVOT point, that controls the rotation property of the object.

Now move that point to the center where the two guides meets [the blue lines are the guides] . Rotate it to the next petal & it will be like this

Now you have learned how to duplicate and rotate. do these steps again and again to reach to this picture.

Now select all the new created layers and merge them together using LAYERS-> MERGE LAYERS.

Again DUPLICATE and flip it to horizontal and adjust it to get this.

and there it is, you have filled up a circle and this is the end of part-1.

Try doing this and send in your comments,

PART-2 coming soon

until then catch me on facebook @

Keep in touch i will update the part-2 soon

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Posted by on May 29, 2011 in Uncategorized


Making a “PSD GEEK” wallpaper from scratch

Hey hello  once again, i ve thought to add up this tutorial which i did in and i would like to share with you , so here is the tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a high quality wallpaper for your desktop from scratch.


We will use the text PSD GEEK for this tutorial.

 End result:
Create a Psd Geek Wallpaper From Scratch Final Image

Step 1

First open a new document in Photoshop with the following size

Step 2

Select the gradient tool with type as radial gradient and the starting color as #054f7c and end color as #0497c8.

Step 3

Draw the gradient from the center of the document to the top such that you get this background

Step 4

Select the text tool and type “psd” with a bold faced font.

Step 5

To get a slanting effect, the perspective option will not be available when the text is non rasterised,so hold down Ctrl key and click over the thumbnail of the text layer in layers palette,the text will be selected.
Now create a new layer above the text layer and fill it with white.
Now hide the original text layer.
Then press Ctrl+T on the keyboard to go for the transform options.
Right click inside the area and select perspective.

Step 6

Now press Ctrl+T and transform it by pulling down the right bottom box in the selection area

Step 7

Likewise perform the above steps to change the rest of the text

Step 8

Now transform the letter s.

Step 9

Select the letter D and click on perspective

Step 10

And transform it as shown.

Step 11

Apply the following layer styles for the letter p.

Step 12

Select drop shadow and change its values as shown

Step 13

Select gradient overlay and apply its values as given

Step 14

Copy the layer style from the letter p by right clicking on the layer palette and paste it to the other two will get a result like this.

Step 15

Now duplicate all the three layers and apply the blending modes as follows.

Step 16

To apply the gradient overlay select the range of colors as
#121212 #2d2d2d #000000 #4c4c4c #676767 #4c4c4c
(starting from left to right).

Step 17

Select each individual layers and move them back from the original layers, so that you get the following 3d effect.

Step 18

Create a new layer and now Ctrl click over all the thumbnails of the front letters and the back letters so that it gets selected like this.

Step 19

Fill the new layer with white color

Step 20

Go to Filters->Blur->Radial Blur and apply the following values to it.

Step 21

Now move this new layer behind all the current layers and place it before the background layer and u will get an effect like this

Step 22

Select a smoke brush( if a smoke brush is not available with you,download it from the internet,a lot of websites provides free brushes) and paint it in the middle of the document.

Step 23

As you have done it before,hold down the Ctrl key and click over the blue filled letters the ctrl+shift+I to invert the selection and erase the rest of the areas with the eraser tool

Step 24

Again press ctrl+shift+I to invert the selection and make the opacity of the layer as follows.

Step 25

select some designer brushes and paint it in the same layer as shown.Note that these designs must be painted at the back of all the text layers

Step 26

Now create a new layer and fill it with black,and go to filters->render->clouds,again go to filters->render->difference clouds, and change the mode of the layer as screen,so that u get this effect

Step 27

Erase some of the lightning over the unused area in the picture such that u get the lightnings only over the letter layers

Step 28

Now select the text tool and type the word geek.

Step 29

Apply the blending effects as follows

Step 30

You will get this effect.

Step 31

Now create a new layer and fill it with black.go to filters->render->lens flare and apply the third option,now change the blending mode to color dodge and transform it and warp it and place it near the letter p

Step 32

Repeat the step to create a flare and place it for the other letters too

Step 33

Create a new layer beneath the background and fill it with black, Select the background layer and click mask option at the bottom of the layers palette and fill the mask layer with a black and white gradient of type radial.

Step 34

This is the final result

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Posted by on May 28, 2011 in Uncategorized


Make a fair skin

Make a skin fair digitally

feel free to send in your comments

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Posted by on May 24, 2011 in Uncategorized


making a cool HD photo

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Posted by on May 14, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Blur,Sharpen,Smudge tool set

The next set of tools are the blur sharpen and smudge tools.

Let’s hop in and see one by one.

I have taken this picture to show the sample.

Though these tools don’t show too much difference it will bring an overall look to the image.


Take the blur tool(THE SHORT CUT KEY IS “R”).


As you did with the brush tool, start brushing on the place where you want to blur out. I choose the eye part and i blurred it.

These tools are used only for touch up of images at the final stages.

The next is the Sharpen tool.


This is said to be the inverse of the blur tool. If you blur an area it will sharpen out back.

NOTE: Too much sharpening will lead to bad Gaussian color values.

Here i have sharped some areas of the neck jewel strap.

The next is the Smudge tool. This is also used for image correction.


Take the smudge tool and smudge the area you want to. Here i have smudged the jewel in the neck. Smudge tool brings the image a new kind of look(when used creatively).

Keep playing with these tools and you can find their uses when you go for portrait corrections.

Thank you and stay tuned.

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Posted by on May 29, 2010 in Uncategorized


The Gradient and Paint bucket tool

These tools that are discussed in todays post don’t seem to be mush important but it will be more used when you are creating a vector background or choosing a multicolor backdrop.

Let’s move in and look how to use these tools.

Step 1:

From the file menu choose new and make a new document with the width 800 and height as 600 and click ok.

Step 2:

Take the marquee tool and draw a small rectangle as shown above.

Step 3:

Now take the paint bucket tool(The shortcut is “G”)

Step 4:

From the color picker, choose your favorite color and click inside the rectangle that you have marque’d now. The color will be filled in it.To deselect the rectangle dots hold the CTRL key and press the “D” key.

Like wise try it with the elliptical tool also.

Step 5:

Next is the gradient tool. There are 4 options available for a gradient tool.

LINEAR, RADIAL, ANGLE, REFLECTED, DIAMOND. First let’s see about the linear gradient.Usually a gradient has two colors with it by default. The start color and the end color. From the list of the gradients available choose your gradient by clicking on the down arrow at the gradient toolbar.

Step 6:

As usual draw a marquee and apply the gradient. Place the starting point at the bottom and the end point at the top.

The next is the radial gradient. Here the starting point will be at the center and the endpoint will be at the outer.

Step 7:

select the radial gradient and start applying it to a marquee. Start from the center of the marquee and go up to the top.

You will get a similar result like the one below.

Step 8:

The Angle gradient makes the starting color with a sharp angle start and as it goes on it mixes the end color till it reaches the starting point.

Here have the starting point in the middle and the end point at the corner.

This is what you will get when using an angle gradient

Step 9:

The reflected gradient spreads the starting color at the two ends and the end color in the center.

As you did it with the radial gradient perform the same action and apply the gradient. You will get the color like below.

The final one is the diamond gradient. Similar to a radial gradient it makes a diamond shape in the center.

Have the same starting and ending point as same as radial gradient.

This is what you will get.

That’s all for gradient and paint bucket tool now..

Thank you.

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Posted by on May 29, 2010 in Uncategorized


The History brush tool

The next set of tools are the history brush tools. This tool brings back one step of history that was made during some action done in Photoshop. Let’s use the history tool to make a jewel poster trick that is used by professionals.


For this example i have took the above picture to work with and take the history brush tool. In later posts i will explain about the art history brush tool.


Now go to the IMAGE menu and IMAGE->ADJUSTMENTS->DESATURATE. I will explain about the image menu later.


After you select desaturate the image will be changed from color to b/w. With the history brush you have to do is just start painting. When you paint it will reveal the previous step (ie desaturate).


Here make sure you just paint over the jewels alone. Keep on painting you will find a beautiful poster finished at the end of all the steps.


First start with the forehead,then the earrings, then the necklace and others.

The above is a half finished image of the history brush painting.

After you finish the image will look like the above!.

Well!, i hope now  you know how to create a poster for a jewelery shop or for a jewel flex board!.

Just simply simple.

Thank you and stay tuned

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Posted by on May 28, 2010 in Uncategorized


The Clone stamp tool

Hi there.welcome to another post of PSD school. In this post we are going to see how a stamp tool works.

I take this sample picture and start working on it. The full name is called the clone stamp tool. As the name goes it clones from a source point to a destination point.


When selecting the stamp tool it has the same option types as similar to a brush tool. Usually when working with a stamp tool the edge hardness will be reduces full to 0% so that the cloned area is not visible.


For this example i take the dia as 150 and hardness to 0.


To work with the stamp tool you have to first select a source point. In order to do it hold the ALT key and select  a source point as it is shown above.


Now by normal brushing just brush the areas you want to clone and thats it. You have successfully cloned an area


In the above picture i have removed the birds, the bottom line text, the ship at the background, and the wire that holds the frame.

I have used some advance techniques with the stamp tool to remove the girl completely. You practice with just removing the wires and small objects as a beginner.

Here is the final result after full stamping.

I have used other tools to complete the process.

Later in the intermediate level i will show you how to perform a full stamp removal process.

Thank you and stay tuned!

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Posted by on May 26, 2010 in Uncategorized